

Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

Hey friends, I finished another song! This one is called “Strong.”

I started a membership at Cor620 (a crossfit-like gym) last June. I had run consistently through the winter, but I wanted to add strength training in to my routine and develop more endurance. I also needed a coach that could help with some frequent problem areas, like my hip and knee.

I went to the 3 introductory classes and as I attempted several different things. One of the challenges was to climb a rope that was attached at the ceiling. I had earned a gold medal (a butterscotch hard candy that Mr. Olsen used to hand out as a “medal” in gym class) for climbing highest and fastest in the 6th grade! Somehow my attempt didn’t look so pretty at 39 years old. During those first few weeks, my coach would often say, “Use your strength.” She explained to me that my strength was in my core. While I would gain muscle gradually, if I used my current core strength, I could do more than I thought I could. She was right. While my first lame attempts to pull myself up a rope ended in feeling quite silly and very almost-40, by adjusting my attempt so that I was using my strength (pulling the rope in to my chest and holding it there instead of extending my arms out, I could make a jump and hold myself up on the rope a few feet above the floor. By locking out my arms and tightening my core, I did my first adult handstand against a wall. I had built all kinds of limitations around myself, making assumptions about what I was physically capable of, and one at a time the coaches helped me tear down those limiting beliefs. It was so empowering!

I have now been a member of this gym for 9 months. There are days I feel sore, days I feel scared of hurting my body, days I feel excited and empowered, and days I’m yawning and wonder how I can get through the workout and everything in between. It’s been a beautiful journey.

This song is my tribute to the coaches at Cor620 and the community and experiences there that have blessed my life!

Here it is!


Composition, Arrangement, Backup instrumentation recording, and Vocals: Laura Harper

Audio engineering wizardry (including recording my vocals, mixing, mastering, teaching, supporting…etc): Andy Rumsey at the Spokane Library.


Hold to the Rod

“I’m Holding Fast” by Kylie Lee (check out “Art by Kylie Lee” on Etsy for more beautiful artwork!)

Woah, I was a kid in a candy shop today! A few months ago I found out about an opportunity about an hour and a half away from me where you could book an audio engineer + sound room + tons of music gear for a four hour time frame for FREE. It was too good to pass up, even though I didn’t know what to expect. Turned out it WAY exceeded my expectations and the audio engineer was amazing. I got to record vocals and watch a master do his magic, and came out with a beautiful recording I am excited to share with you!

I named this one “Hold to the Rod.” For those who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there is a story in the Book of Mormon that is well loved in the church. Lehi, a prophet of God living in Jerusalem hundreds of years before Christ was born, had a vision. In this vision he saw an iron rod which led to a tree. Many people were holding to this rod, and had to walk through periods where there were mists of darkness and it was difficult to see. But those who held on to the rod through the mists eventually would make it to the tree and would get to partake of this fruit which is unbelievably delicious and representative of the Love of God.

This song is directed toward those who are currently in the middle of the mist. It is hard to see, and they doubt that the rod will actually lead them where they are wanting to go- toward God. It is written from the perspective of someone who has passed through the mist and now can see clearer. The encouragement is to “hold to the rod” through the mists until you can see the light again.

I have passed through time periods where the things I was so sure of felt so confusing. I had to trust during that time that the path I was on was leading in the right direction. Ultimately, I chose to trust that I was not in full control, and if I held on, God would help me find my way through the mist. And He has. He has filled me with hope, guided me with patience, and gifted me with moments of peace that reassured me He was and is and will always be there for me.

Here is “Hold to the Rod.”

Composition/Arrangement/Orchestration/Vocals: Laura Harper

Recording/Mixing/Mastering: Andy Rumsey (THANK YOU!!!) at Spokane Public Library


A Lullaby for my Big Boys

Image by Freepik

Last week I was following some advice given by Andrea Stolpe (a wonderful singer-songwriter and teacher) and worked on starting a new song every day and progressing a current song every day. Then at the end of the week, I had finished a song and really enjoyed the feeling of completing another one. This one came more organically than some. I was thinking about my big boys going back to school and what they needed from Mom, especially in the evening. I picked up a guitar that was sitting around here and chose the chords from the ones that were most accessible. Then I played around with it throughout the week and came up with this.

Vocals, Guitar, and Recording by Laura Harper


Writing for Me :)

Hi friends! So I’m working on music most days lately and it’s been more fun for me. I’m using a program called “Scoreclub” where I am taking classes and doing practice pieces. I thought I’d share my most recent piece. This is a very short 20 second piece, but it was good practice for me, and it was really fun to work on! I’m working on streamlining my writing process and engaging my creativity without engaging so much anxiety and overwhelm. Simplifying seems to be just what I need to be doing right now. Also, I’ve decided that it’s way more fun to write for myself, and then decide if I want to share. It’s interesting how that has changed what I create. And also- I’m having more fun! So I’m going to take that as an indication that I’m on the right track! Woohoo! This piece is entitled, “The Path.”

