

Dandelions. I can see them out my window as I type. They could ruin my day. The yard is full of them, and they’re technically a pest. Are they, though? The other day, someone told me that the dandelions remind her of Switzerland. I’ve been to Switzerland, and it was beautiful. And I love that way of looking at it. Perhaps one of these days I’ll kill off those dandelions and my grass will be free of weeds (temporarily). Until then, I’m going to enjoy my view that reminds me of Switzerland.




Like Mike

Recently, we said goodbye-for-now to an amazing man. He left too early, and many mourn his loss. He is my big brother (in-law). His name is Mike Harper. There are so many things I could tell you about him, from his deep love and commitment to his family, to his profession in dentistry, to his ability to encourage everyone around him…there is much to say, but words don’t really feel adequate to express what I feel. Since music tends to come a little closer, I decided to write a song. I look forward to seeing him again- hearing his laugh, getting a big Mike hug, catching up…

We love you, Mike.


Give Me This Mountain

A few nights ago, my sweetheart and I were getting some pillow talk in at the end of a week day. He told me about a talk he had listened to by a previous president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (President Kimball) who had quoted Caleb in the Old Testament saying “Give me this mountain.” Caleb was 84 years old and was going into battle to claim the promised land with God’s help. President Kimball talked about his own challenges and said that he feels the same way about them. Give me this mountain- this hard thing- so I can grow and become who I am meant to become. Our discussion that night centered around what we would say to God. Perhaps “Give me a molehill- one I can easily jump over and make sure I retain control during it. Not something too hard.” Or maybe even “I’d rather have a back massage- could you give me one of those?” That one made us chuckle, but really, that’s often times what I’d prefer! A nice temperature, a relaxing back massage, no strain, no struggle…

And yet ultimately, sitting on the couch and eating potato chips has never gotten anyone in shape. Our bodies, minds and spirits need work to continue progressing in the right direction! I don’t feel like I need to ask for more hard things in my life, but I do want to have the humility to accept challenges with that attitude. I can do hard things because God will help me and in the process I will become a better me. It would reduce the friction and resistance, and increase my courage and confidence to try again when it’s difficult.

Something to think about.

Happy Monday!





Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Before school started, we shared with the boys a story that really made them stop and think. Have you heard about the rice experiment? These guys explain it really well in the middle of the video. Basically the idea is that the way you talk to anything- even a jar of rice- has a big impact!


1 Corinthians 16:18 is a bible verse that relates to that: “For they have refreshed my spirit and yours.” I want to be that kind of a person- one that has a “refreshing” influence on someone else.

This is just a silly video we used to teach this principle further: pretend your influence is what comes out of the each canteen.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

