Cause it makes me happy...

Hello, Fall!


Hello friends!  Happy fall!  It’s here already- and I’m not sure I’m quite ready….but nobody asked me!  I’m excited to get back to writing on my blog and I’m SO excited to share with you the song that I’m currently working on recording (stay tuned!) but for today, I thought I’d share just a few of my current favorite things:

1- This mediterranean pasta salad is AMAZING- but since I’m already a big fan of Mels Kitchen Cafe, I’m not sure why that surprises me.  Do yourself a favor and try it out! (I added cooked chicken and swapped in cucumbers for the artichokes.)

2- After school snack time!  My 3 boys are all in school this year, so our afternoon snack time has turned into the most heart-warming daily experience.  Everyone wants to share about how wonderful their days were, and I have had some quiet (!!!) so I can fully absorb all the positive energy coming my way!  I’m loving it!

3- Rainbows…We spotted a beautiful rainbow last week during a torrential downpour which happened to be in the middle of my oldest son’s soccer game.  A few minutes later a second rainbow was visible too.  Yes, we came home very wet, but who isn’t dazzled by getting to see a double rainbow?  It just makes life sweeter!

4- Picking out carpet!  We are in the middle of remodelling a building for my husband’s business to move into, and currently the decision of the week is carpet.  I realized today that this is a first for us- we have never needed to pick out carpet, and I have to say I’m finding the process really enjoyable!

What’s on your favorites list today?

Love, Laura